Westchester Dance Academy
Frequently Asked Questions
Attendance and Tardiness
Regular attendance is crucial for progress in dance. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. If a student will be absent, parents must notify the studio in advance by contacting 914-244-1550 or email wda@westchesterdanceacademyny.com. Excessive absences may result in reassessment of class placement. Students should arrive on time for all classes. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late, they may be asked to sit and observe the class to avoid disruption. Repeated tardiness may result in a meeting with the instructor and parents.
Payments received after the due date will be charged $35 late fee for each month they are late.
Electonic payments are processed on the 1st of the month for all fees due. Statements can be viewed on the Parent Portal.
Cancellation Policy
Please discuss with the office as cancellations vary depending on age.
Code of Conduct
Students are expected to show respect to instructors and peers at all times. This includes listening attentively, following instructions, and maintaining a positive attitude. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action. Parents should support a positive environment by encouraging their children and respecting the studio policies. Any concerns or issues should be addressed privately with the studio staff.
Dance Season
The dance season runs from September to June.
Dress Code
Black Leotard and tights must be worn for ballet class and hair secured neatly in a bun. All other classes, any colored leotard and dance shorts or dance pants can be worn. Proper shoes are required for each class. Students must come to class dressed appropriately. NO t-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, or jeans are allowed. Hair must be worn up, secured neatly for all classes. No student will be allowed to take a class if not dressed properly.
Health and Safety Guidelines
Students should stay home if they are feeling unwell, especially if they have symptoms of contagious illnesses. Please inform the studio if your child will be absent due to illness. All injuries must be reported to the instructor immediately. An incident report will be completed, and parents will be notified. In case of a serious injury, emergency medical services will be contacted.n goes here
Inclement Weather
Closures due to inclement weather will be announced via email and social media by 2 PM on the day of the closure. Connect with the office about makeup classes. As with personal absences, if a class is missed or canceled due to weather, the student may attend an alternate class as a “make-up.” Westchester Dance Academy may not follow public school closings. Please call if questions arise.
Make Ups
Students may attend makeup classes for any missed classes due to illness, family emergencies, or weather-related closures. To schedule a makeup class, please contact the office. Makeup classes must be scheduled in advance and are subject to availability.
Tuition price includes weekly classes from September to June. It does not include the $50 non-refundable registration fee.
Tuition does not include costume, tights, and costume alterations for the annual recital or the recital video, class photos, or individual photos.
Referral Program
We have a referral program where you can earn discounts by referring new students to the studio. See our website for details: https://www.westchesterdanceacademyny.com/referral-program